R is a software package that provides a language and an environment for data manipulation and statistics calculation. A data analyst should learn advanced data analysis techniques to analyze data more effectively.
uCertify’s course covers the following concepts thoroughly and provides a hands-on experience of the language R. :
- Data Mining in R
- Text Mining in R
- Regression Analysis
- Correlation
- Clustering
- R Graphics
- Plotting
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
uCertify’s course R for Data Science is written for data analysts who have a firm grip on advanced data analysis techniques and want to learn R for data science. The course contains well descriptive interactive lessons containing pre and post-assessment questions, knowledge checks, quizzes, live labs, flashcards, and glossary terms to get a detailed understanding of the distinctive course.
Get your copy of uCertify’s course R for Data Science today and start exploring the language R.