CHFI v8 - Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator
(pearson-network-defense-complete) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-050-1
Learn about the concepts of computer network defense with the Network Defense and Countermeasures, 3e course and lab. The lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. The Network security course completely covers the techniques and methodologies related to network defense and gives you the knowledge and practical applications of firewalls; intrusion detection systems, and more.
18+ Interactive Lessons | 253+ Quizzes | 201+ Flashcards | 202+ Glossary of terms
100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 100+ Post Assessment Questions |
64+ LiveLab | 64+ Video tutorials | 02:17+ Hours